

2014, the year of low prices for feeds and fodders



Global grain supplies for the production year 2014/15 are forecast to rise compared to last year by 7 million tons, based on more sales from the current stocks of USA, Brazil and China and on the higher productions in China, EU, Ukraine, Russia and Serbia. This evolution will pull down the price of feed. But it is extremely important, however, that the prices reduction will result in cheaper meat as a raw material.   Maize price is decisive   Maize price has recorded the lowest level in the last four years while it is expected to have a record production both in Europe, as well as in China. Thus, woldwide is estimated an increase of maize production by 1,7 million tons compared to the previous season. In addition, analysts claim that the stocks level will rise, which means that the concern of the international stock market players with respect to the crisis in Ukraine will decrease.   The price of maize to be delivered in the month of December decreased up to the level of 146.65 dollars per ton at the Chicago Stock Exchange, recording the third monthly decline. „Prices declines will continue until the farmers will sell their entire production. The futures contracts decreased by 25% compared to the beginning of the year, based on estimates that the record production will rebuild the cereals stocks in the USA”, stated the economist Dennis Gartman, quoted by  Blackseagrain magazine. Lower yields of maize, of the USA and of inferior maize, barley and oats of Canada have been partially balanced by increases in the grain feeds yields in other parts of the world. Thus, forecasts with respect to China’s maize production of this year indicate a value of up to 2 million tons higher than the expected level, while also in the production year 2013/14 the most recent government estimates have been revised in addition, with 0.8 million tons, compared to the previous results (therefore the reporting base has increased by 0.8 million tons) The European Union maize production relating to the 2014/15 growing season is estimated to be 0.4 million tons higher, compared to the previous estimates, particularly as a result of higher productions in Germany and France. Serbia also forecasts for this season an increase of the maize yield by 0.3 million tons. The forecast with respect to the maize yield of Brazil remained unchanged for 2014/15, but the level of the reporting base (production year 2013/14) has gone up by 2 million tons due to changes in data collected with respect to the increase of areas for the second maize crop. However, estimates with respect to the maize production of Canada decreased by 0,9 million tons, as a result of minus change in  data regarding the cultivated area, collected by the Canadian Statistics Office.    World maize trade in the season 2014/15 will remain almost unchanged in terms of volume traded, being recorded, however, a decrease of Canadian exports, decrease largely balanced by an increase of Serbia’s exports.   The July rains have increased the feed wheat supply Due to estimates of record crops, wheat quotation (bread wheat, which influences also the quotation of feed wheat, e.n.) to be delivered in September 2014 reached on July 29 the level of 190,52 dollars per ton at Chicago Stock Exchange, a value that also represents the minimum of the last four years. However, uncertainties related to weather, namely the effect of rains on wheat quality, as well as the uncertainties related to the evolution of the conflict at the Eastern border of Ukraine, which might affect the trade routes through the Black Sea of the Russian crop (Russia is the fifth world exporter) and of the Ukrainean ones (Ukraine is the ninth world exporter) have pushed the price up again, the quotation of wheat to be delivered in September reaching at the beginning of August at the level of 205,21 dollars per ton, while previously it had reached the level of 207,6 dollars per ton, the highest level since July 7.   Prices for the wheat from the Western Europe remain under estimates due to concerns regarding yield quality. For instance, milling wheat to be delivered in November was traded, in the first week of August at a level of euro 176.25 per ton (by 1.1% less, compared to the end of the previous month).   Wheat acquisition cost on the world market increased by 15 percent in the first quarter, under the circumstances of escalating tensions at the Russian-Ukrainean border, while later, in the second quarter, it dropped by 17%, under  favorable weather conditions met in case of some great exporters (USA, for instance). However, while the North-American wheat exports remain a lot below the level of those recorded last year, and a great part of the French wheat production will only fit the category ”feed wheat”, bread wheat price quotations will be strongly influenced by the German, Canadian, Australian and Argentinian markets.   A smaller quantity of bread wheat will result, under the circumstances of record yields of this cereal in the current season, in larger quantities of feed wheat available, with the consequence of price decrease for this product. Under these circumstances, nobody should wonder how, in the next months, the difference between the price of feed wheat and the price of wheat for bread and bread products is increasing. For the European area, the demand for lower quality wheat comes especially from Benelux and from the Mediteranean Sea states, demand which, given the circumstances pointed out, will be satisfied particularly by the French stocks. There is also a surplus at export of 1.5-2 million tons of English wheat with low bakery indices and soft wheat indices, which could successfully compete with the French supply, on the markets in the European and Northern Africa areas.   The world wheat consumption will increase by 0.9 million tons, with increases of feed wheat consumption in the EU and increases of bread wheat consumption in other countries of the world. Thus, in the EU, the feed wheat consumption is forecast to increase by about 1 million tons, while in countries like Egypt, Kazakhstan and Thailand, will meet decreases.   The world wheat trade for the season 2014/15 will record a decrease of exports coming from Kazakhstan (1 million tons) and USA (0.7 million tons). These decreases will be partially balanced by higher exports made by Australia, Ukraine and Serbia, that have better yield prospects. EU imports will be lower by 0.5 million tons, partially as a consequence of expected higher wheat shipments from Bulgaria and Romania. Imports are, similarly, more reduced for Egypt and Mexico, but more increased for Sudan, Indonesia and Nigeria. With respect to the world barley production, estimates indicate a higher value compared to last year,  particularly as a result of production increases in Ukraine and Russia.   A decrease of about 15% in the price of soybeans Prices for soybeans and other oleaginous products for 2014/15 are forecast to drop for the entire category. Representatives of Macquarie Group Ltd., for instance, estimated for the foreign media that the price of soy beans might drop by 14 percent up to the value of 385.80 USD per metric ton, which will result in a lower price of fodder for cattle, pigs and broilers. Bill Gary, President of Commodity Information Systems Inc. in Oklahoma City, a specialist working since 1960 on the international commodity markets, is expecting a price level below 367.43 USD per metric ton of soybeans.   Season’s average price for soybeans, on the commodity exchange market in the USA is estimated to 9.50 – 11.50 USD per bushel, going down by 25 cents for both ends of the interval. Prices of soy flour are forecast to reach the value of 350-390 USD per ton, going down by 5 dollars for both ends of the interval, compared to the previous forecasts. The general prices decrease for oilseeds world production for the production year 2014/15 is connected to the record level reached by this production, by 521.9 million tons, going up by 5.8 million compared to the estimates of July, soybeans and rape representing the fastest growing segments. Global soybeans production for the season 2014/15 is estimated to 304.8 million tons, going up by 4.8 million tons compared to the previous estimates, the increase being due, in large part, to the production increase in the United States of America. A higher soybean production is also forecast to be obtained in Russia and Ukraine, given the larger harvested area for both of them. This growth for the soybeans production obtained worldwide is partially balanced by the results of a lower yield obtained by India, consequently to the reduction of the harvested area, reduction caused by the planting delays resulting from the slow development of the monsoon that happened in the main soy producing states in the region.   The rape yield obtained worldwide for the season 2014/15 significantly contributes as well to the world global oilseeds production. The rape production is higher, compared to the previous estimates, for the time interval indicated, for Canada as a result of a larger area planted, reported by Statistics Canada (the Statistical Office of Canada). Estimates regarding the rape yield are also higher for Australia, being based on data on larger areas planted, as well as on higher yields obtained.   Global stocks of oilseeds estimated for the end of production season 2014/15 are forecast to 99.7 million tons, going up by 3.6 million tons, largely reflecting a sudden increase of soybeans stocks in the USA.   In the medium term, grain prices go up   Global supplies of feed grains for the production year 2014/15 are forecast to go up compared to the previous year by 7 million tons, based on higher sales from the current stocks of the USA, Brazil and China and on higher yields from China, EU, Ukraine, Russia and Serbia. In the medium and long term, cereals prices are on an upward trend, according to Eurostat estimates, evolving however around the average proximity of the last decade. Particularly the maize price will continue to go up, due to the use of this grain as a raw material for the ethanol production.




