

Follow Up Meat & Milk International Expo-Conference 2015



A successful international event   Recently it took place on the 3rd and 4th of June 2015, at Hotel Alpin in Poiana Brasov, Romania the International Expo-Conference Meat Milk 2015, an event special dedicated to the meat and dairy sectors under the name “Support policies, Reterhnologyzation, Performance- priorities to overcome the impasse”.1st Day: Do we close everything or do we open perspectives?   The Conference works started on Wednesday, 3rd June with a General Meeting aimed to answer at the question “Do we close everything or do we open perspectives?” which confirmed since at the beginning the interactive specific of the events organized by infoGROUP agency and the specialized magazines Fabrica de Carne (Meat Sector Magazine) and Fabrica de Lapte (Dairy Sector Magazine). After the welcoming by the General Manager of the agency, Ms. Claudia Bocean, the discussions were about “Romania, in the European Union economic context- Perspectives for meat and milk industries”, held by Ms. Viorica Dancila, VP of  DGAGRI. During her presentation, Ms. Dancila highlighted the opportunities offerd by PNDR program for 2014-2020, both for farmers, as well as for processors, insisting on the idea of farmers’ association and for organizing activities as an integrated system. At the same time, she stressed the need to find new markets for meat and milk products, also detailing the issue of origin labeling for meat products, highlighting the fact that, unfortunately, given the vote in the European Parliament this spring was a populist one, benefiting the large European companies and the highly developed countries in terms of production and meat processing.   The next speaker was Mr. Dumitru Băiculescu-President of ANSVSA (Romanian Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority), who presented to the auditorium the latest actions of the institution that coordinates, emphasizing the dialogue with Romanian farmers, especially regarding the problem of Bluetongue vaccination. At the same time, Mr. Băiculescu announced ANSVSA intention to open new export lines for Romanian producers and processors, in this regard announcing stronger partnership with China, also opening the Mexic market for Romanian pork. The first company presentation was held by Mr. George Turtoi, General Manager of GEA Westfalia Separator Romania from GEA Group, the Premium Partner of the Conference. Under the title GEA Group in Romania for a better world-Engineering, Mr. Turtoi the detailed the activity of the group, highlighting theglobal presence, emphasizing the cutting-edge technological solutions from GEA, which are at the farmers and processors’ disposal for all over the world, as well as in Romania.   AON Romania was represented in the General Meeting from June 3rd by Mr. Mircea Baciu, brand manager of the company, who held the presentation entitled "Novel categories of risks for Romanian companies and their management effective solutions." Entering into dialogue with the participants, Mr. Baciu stressed the need of assuming scientifically the risks by the Romanian managers, informing that AON Romania portfolio has specific products for any kind of business, including farmers and processors from the meat and dairy sectors from Romania. The last presentation from the General Meeting belonged to Dr. Ion Nicolae, Director of the Biological Product Manufacturing at Romvac Company. Under the title "Whey, global pollutant or important biosource for human and veterinary preparations", Mr Nicolae detailed the activity of the research specialists from Romvac related to realizing superior whey, presenting the latest achievements materialized in protein for human consumption and treatment for preventing infections of cows’ utter, which excludes the use of antibiotics treatment.    Workshop CARNE (Meat)- Processors"New resources, new technologies, new markets"Presentations and also discussion in the workshop Meat Processors were under the title "New resources, new technologies, new markets". The first to come to the numerous participants at the workshop was Mr. Radu Timis, chairman of the group of companies CRIS-TIM and Chairman of the Romanian Meat Association (RMA). Free dialoguing with the auditorium, Mr. Timis briefly presented the new investment of the company, investments aimed at covering the most demanding consumers’ needs but especially, expanding export activity. At the same time, Mr. Radu Timis referred to the activity of RMA and the need to start work urgently for action to boost consumption of meat products. Mr. Leonard Ilincan, CEO ofGEA Refrigeration company, talked about the "Solutions for refrigerated meat", focusing on efficiencient technologies available for trading partners, the low power consumption and reliability of equipment. At the request of the participants, Mr. Ilincan has given details about the very high efficiency heat recovery equipment, equipment that eliminates many of the failures recorded to the products from other technology suppliers.   Under the title "Increasing the shelf life using innovative packaging solutions", managing director of Sudpack Romania, Mr. Remus Rogoz, presented the most effective packaging solutions for meat products offered by Sudpack. Emphasizing the need for more stringent correlation packaging technologies and materials used, the conditions of preserving the environment and legislation, but especially refering to food safety legislation, Mr. Rogoz detailed Sudpack offer, films used for covering, equipment thermoforming and packaging printing. "Mobile technology valorification in the meat industry" was the title of Mr. Adrian Pinte presentation, the Sales Manager Hermes Division at Transart. Particularly dynamic, the presentation highlighted the usefulness of IT solutions proposed to the meat processors, especially as regards the efficiency of the business distribution, the relationship with stores, control of all personnel in the field, data collection and recording etc. focusing on access to the necessary information in real time.   Being for the first to Meat & Milk, Romanian Business Solutions company was represented by Mr. Gabriel Pavel, Sales & Marketing Director, the one that, under the title "Logistics and traceability in 2015," presented the activity of RBC, and newest IT products for retailers and meat sector companies for traceability of the products. The end of the Meat Processors workshop entailed organizing the debate entitled "The labeling of meat products and relationship with hypermarkets-the critical issue of the meat sector". The debate was attended by Ms.Delia Nica Managing Director at Romanian Retail Association, Dumitru Baiculescu President at Romanian Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA),  Paul Anghel Director at Romanian Consumer Protection Authority (ANPC), Sorin Minea President and CEO Romalimenta and Angst, Gabriel Ecobici Director at ANSVSA, Vladimir Mănăstireanu Managing Director at RMA and Cristian Popa labeling consultant. Opening the discussions, Mr. Paul Anghel stressed the impossibility of origin labeling of meat products but, the director of ANPC said that for now the measure is voluntary, that will be put to a final vote in Parliament, where it is hoped that the proposal requirement to be rejected. Like Mr Anghel, all participants stated that the legislative solution selected by European officials is absurd.   The debate was stimulated once again, when the discussions went to the relationship hypermarkets-processors, which Ms. Delia Nica characterized it as like a "marriage of convenience". As mentioned in a story from that afternoon, Mr. Sorin Minea has not escaped the opportunity to characterize the relationship as "rape", his opinion being reinforced by comments from the auditorium. Cristian Popa was the one who concluded by saying that, on the one hand, the Romanian companies are not yet ready either for nutrition labeling, and, even less, for origin labelling of meat products, but that the relationship between suppliers and retail has to be built, finally,by the principle of "win-win".   Workshop FARM Farm of the future = Retechnologization and Performance How different will be the farm of the future in its current form and how technology will change the activities of farmers and which is the statute of the Romanian farmer in the EU? These were just two of the questions that have generated discussion in the FARM Workshop. By 2050, world population will increase by 2.2 billion people (35%) and the urban population will be twice larger than in rural areas. In this context, to which was added increasing number of people with low and middle incomes, demand for food will increase by 60% in 2050. Moreover, food diets - especially in emerging areas - will focus increasingly on calories from animal origin foods (increase greater than 100%). Such situations that generate major changes require swift finding solutions in order to prevent major food crises.   "Implementing new technologies in farms, such as automatic feeding systems or automated milking system or the integration proactive management of reproduction (CowScout) are already methods verified in other countries with an advanced agricultural background. The experience and the available logistics of some companies like GEA are now available to Romanian farmers”, said Sandu Miclăuş Engineer and Sales Manager at GEA Farm Technologies in his presentation" Robotics and automation in milking and feeding systems”.Mr. Ioan Ladoşi, general manager of swine genetics company PIC- Central and Eastern Europe and President of the Association of Pork Producers from Romania (APCPR) presented about "The Impact of genetics in pork production", effects and maximize benefits genetic potential in swine industry and the benefits for farmers.   Then, Mr Stefan Vaju, Commercial Director at Cargill Nutritie Animala, along with three of his colleagues, presented "New concepts and solutions for animal nutrition". Conceived in a unique way, the presentation detailed Cargill offer and also new equipment to farmers who enter into contact with animals, particularly practical work equipment. The Deputy General Director of the Managing Authority for the National Rural Development Programme, Mr. Romulus Vasile Duică presented to those present at the workshop FARM the latest news and challenges arising from accessing new National Rural Development Programme (PNDR) by farmers.   The special guest of the workshop was Mr. Podmiljšak Matjaž, from Cooperative Union of Slovenia, Copa-Cogeca member who presented the successful model of Cooperative Union of Slovenia. A graduate of the Faculty of Biotechnology from University of Ljubljana, Matjaz Podmiljsak is the head of Biotechnology department from the Cooperative Union of Slovenia, a member of COPA-COGECA. He talked about "The Slovenian model of European success." Cooperative Union of Slovenia is a non-governmental organization with voluntary membership. Union unites 71 agricultural cooperatives, forestry and fishery. Cooperatives, members Cooperative Union of Slovenia, have more than 15,500 members and 3,000 employees. They generate revenues of over 700 million euros per year. At the end of the workshop, Mr Dorin Valter Enache, Director of  DSVSA Brasov, Mr.Claudiu Franc, President of the Romanian Federation of Cattle Breeders and Ioan Ladoşi, President of APCPR were key players in the debate "Romanian EU farmer condition: main role or figurative? ". They emphasized that without effective support policy development and without finding new markets for meat and milk produced in Romanian farms, Romanian farmers will have a secundary role in "landscape" of European industry and agriculture.   Second Day: Innovation and retehnologization- trend or necessity? The second day of the EXPO- International Conference Meat & Milk 2015, which took place at Hotel Alpin in the Poiana Brasov in Romania accounted for the organizing team of INFOGROUP agency the confirmation of a total success and certifying that Meat & Milk is the most important annual event for the sectors, and for the whole Romanian food industry.  

Common workshop

  From the begining, we should mention that almost all the speeches of the common workshop in the morning of June 4th argued the title of the day, all speakers stressing that innovation and technology upgrades are essential elements of performance.   The one who opened the workshop was Mr. Daniel Constantin, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Developmentin Romania. Present for the second time at the annual event organized by infoGROUP, trying to answer the question "Which are the growth engines of the dairy and meat sectors Romanian?" the minister was referring broadly to support policies developed both nationally and the provisions of the program PNDR 2014-2020, stressing the need to involve farmers and informing them that can access unrefundable European funding at a rate of over 70%, for the case of production integration.   Regarding the processors’ activity, Mr Daniel Constantin said it is imperative the increasing of export, especially on third markets, with finished products that can generate consistent profits. For this regard, he announced the launch of the future of public-private partnership programs for promoting Romanian food products to export. Of course, the dialogue with the participants was not missed who filled the conference room to overflowing, answering to many questions coming especially from farmers who have asked support, for example, to stop illegal imports of goats, and to eliminate legislative, organizational dysfunctions, to the purchase of live animals.   The second important guest of the day was Mr. Marius Dunca, President of ANPC, the one who insisted on two ideas: First, that tacit agreement "nonaggression" difficulties generated by the implementation of new regulations related to labeling food, will continue. Secondly, however, he appealed to the meat and milk processors to strictly comply with the legislation on consumer protection, highlighting that the label and the product represent the true picture of a company. The first presentation of the day was held by Mr. Marius Maier, CEO of CMC Grup Broker de Asigurare, who spoke about "Business risks vs risky business: Solution-innovation and / or retehnologization of risk management strategy", that informed the participants on the need for risk management, especially regarding transport systems and freight transport activities in general.   One of the most interesting presentations of the day belonged to Mr. Constantin Ghetu, Food Product Manager of the company Bureau Veritas Romania, who detailed the company's offer "Product measuring and monitoring-premises for the company performance". No lacked detailed references to certification programs that the company makes available to the meat and milk companies in Romania. Mr. Horatiu Basa, Managing Director of Testo Romania presented the "Monitoring food safety with HACCP tools" in which detailed the offer for temperature measuring device and control, equipment which is indispensable for both production flow, and in storage or for store networks.   In turn, Mr Ciprian Ciucu, Director of the Romanian Centre for European Policies presented "National Programme efficiency for schoolars: croissant and milk in the context of the European scheme". Based on a very interesting study by a team that coordinates, Mr Ciucu highlighted the shortcomings of the national program and the need to optimize it, both as a good solution for feeding the schoolars and as a economic support for companies that participate at the aution for the Program. Last, but the most interesting presentation, belonged to Mercury Research, held by Mrs. Ingrid Lambru, Director of Marketing. Thus, under the heading "Sausage market study: Cold Cuts Infokit" Mrs. Lambru detailed through the examples provided, as well as through statistical data contained in the presentation, the shortcomings of many advertising campaigns made for meat products ranging from cold cuts, warning that using the images of children is at least counterproductive, since 47% of families in Romania have no children!   Roundtable We have 9% VAT for food. What do we do now? The focus of the entire event was the Roundtable entitled “We have 9% VAT for food. What do we do now?” The debate that lasted 90 minutes and was broadcast live by the TV media Agro TV had as speakers: Daniel Constantin, Marius Dunca, Dorin Cojocaru, Sorin Minea, Florin Căpăţână, Ioan Ladoşi, Claudiu Franc. They were joined, as special guest, by Mr. Cornel Opincaru Commissioner Head of the Department for Economic Crime in Romanian Police. Having the opportunity to speak first, Minister Daniel Constantin congratulated the organizing team, saying Meat & Milk is "the most important annual event of the entire Romanian food industry". After that, of course, went straight to the topic, and expressed hope that with the reduction in VAT,the consumption will increase and will diminish the evasion in the two sectors. In turn, Mr. Marius Dunca said he hopes that from now on, consumers will have the opportunity to buy foods of a high quality.   After Mr Ioan Ladosi and Claudiu Franc accepted that the tax reduction is beneficial for farmers also, adding here that Mr. Franc has raised the issue with the milk price fall again, Mr. Dorin Cojocaru responded, claiming that the relationship between milk processors and farmers is one contractual, market. Subsequently, Mr. Cojocaru congratulated the Minister of Agriculture for the way they acted in the previous period, in all actions of government determination to support colleagues on VAT reduction to 9%. Speaking, Mr. Cornel Opincaru Chief Officer drew attention to the fact that all the forces of the market surveillance and economic agents are constantly on alert, because, above all is respect for the law, for the benefit of companies conducting their affairs properly, and for the citizens.   Of course, the fiercest discussion were between Mr. Florin Capatana and Mr Sorin Minea, those who, making correct statements and very hard, were the one who light up the discussions. Making a very precise analysis of the effects of reducing VAT, Mr. Sorin Minea revealed that the effects will be seen sooner than about six months, but consumption will increase by only 2- 3%:"From where to increase more? We can not invent another 10 million Romanians, so do not expect too much growth. Do not forget, furthermore, that in the summer consumption drops. But any increase in overall business will come from the decline of black market. So this level of 2-3%, plus the exit to the surface of a part of the black market, will lead to the salvation of the two industries and necessary addition to the budget. " On the other hand, Mr. Florin Capatana, the Vice President of Romanian Retail Association (AMRCR), conceded that there were some failures in the relationship between food suppliers and supermarkets but, overall, prices did not fall at the shelf: "Everyone sees us those in retail like vampires sucking people's blood, when in fact, we are all in the same boat, and farmers and suppliers and us the traders. Who would be crazy to raise prices and to be bankrupt?", rhetorically asked Mr. Capatana.   Later, after an intensive dialogue between speakers and participants in the room, they all admitted that from early June, Romania has entered a positive economic sign. In the conclusion Mr. Sorin Minea said the message: "I tell you, all that depends on us whether it will be better or worse. For now, no one has any reason to steal. And if I hear something, I'll be the one who will give the list to the Chief Officer!"infoTRIP sectionVisit Europig ComplexThe first visit organized under section infoTRIP gave the oportunity to many conference participants to view for real the activity of  Europig complex of feed concentrates factory and slaughterhouse, belonging to the group of companies Sergiana. Being welcoming Mr. Tudor Neculoiu, company’s owner, guests have been offered details about the organization of the complex and also witnessed the slaughter of a number of pigs.   EXPO Section   In every moment of every day during the conference period , the booths placed in the EXPO section were full of participants who tasted premium meat and milk products and asked for details about products and services of the companies providing the most diverse technologies. In this section, exposed: GEA Group Aktiengesellshaft, CRIS-TIM, Albalact, Romvac Company, Agricola International Bacau, Five Continents, Air Liquide Romania, Angst, Danone Romania, Biotrend Plus, Zimbria, Mirdatod, Tetra Pak, Webasto, Hanna Instruments, HBP Eko Distribution and Iveco. During the coffee break before entering for the Rountable discussions, Minister Daniel Constantin and Mr. Marius Dunca, accompanied by the organizers, as well as by Mr Radu Timis, Dorin Cojocaru and Sorin Minea, visited each booth in the EXPO Section and discussed with the representatives of exhibiting companies mentioned in the paragraph above.   Meat & Milk 2015 statistical data Participants: 362Oficial guests: 36Total participants: 398Companies participating: 164Participants at infoTRIP section: 96Hours of discussions and presentations: 18Processors: 43 %Farmers: 21 %Companies that provide services and technology: 31 %Retail: 5 %TV Live Broadcast on Agro TV: 5 hoursRadio Live: (Radio Bucharest, Antena satelor): 18




