MADE organized the second meeting of the Monitoring Committee for PS PAC 2023-2027




The second meeting of the Monitoring Committee for the 2023-2027 PAC Strategic Plan took place in the Aula Magna hall of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (USAMV) in Bucharest, with the participation of representatives from agricultural sector associations and federations and representatives from DG AGRI of the European Commission, Ms. Mihaela Luca and Mr. Ștefan Lucian RADU, the desk officer for Romania.

The meeting's agenda included six points:

  1. Approval of the revision of the Working Groups' composition within the Monitoring Committee for the PS PAC.
  2. Presentation and consultation on the financial allocation of the session, selection criteria and associated scores, the pre-established quality threshold, monthly quality thresholds, and the distribution of unspent funds within a component to oversubscribed components for interventions DR 15, DR 20, DR 22, DR 25, DR 26, DR 27, DR 28, DR 30.
  3. Presentation and consultation on the selection methodology, financial allocation of the session, selection criteria, and associated scores, the pre-established quality threshold for interventions DR 36 and DR 37.
  4. Information on the implementation status of interventions in Pillar I and Pillar II under the 2023-2027 PAC Strategic Plan.
  5. Presentation of proposed modifications to the 2023-2027 PAC Strategic Plan, which will be subject to written consultation.
  6. Information regarding the organization of the next Monitoring Committee meeting for the PS PAC.

"Organizing this meeting at USAMV Bucharest represents a good opportunity to recognize the importance of the specialized university environment in supporting the improvement of the agri-food sector's performance and the development of the Romanian rural area," said Minister of Agriculture Florin Barbu in his opening statement.

In his speech, the MADR official mentioned that this is the first year of implementing the 2023-2027 PAC, which includes interventions from both Pillar I and Pillar II. In this context, the minister expressed his belief that the two paying agencies have undertaken intensive activities to adequately prepare the work procedures and implementation systems necessary for launching interventions from the Strategic Plan.

Florin Barbu provided an overview of the actions and interventions carried out by MADR in the first half of the year, including the submission campaign for 2023 funding from FEGA, as well as two FEADR-funded interventions, namely DR 06 - Animal Welfare and DR 10 - Areas Affected by Significant Natural Constraints, along with sector-specific interventions in the beekeeping and viticulture sectors. The minister announced that MADR would soon launch a new series of interventions aimed primarily at investment support funded by FEADR.

During the meeting, relevant information was presented regarding the implementation status of interventions in Pillar I and Pillar II under the 2023-2027 PAC Strategic Plan up to the present date, as well as the schedule for launching new interventions this autumn.

The minister recalled that in August, MADR organized a series of working subgroups operating within the Monitoring Committee to discuss applicant guidelines. He thanked the involved partners for their interest in participating in the meetings, as well as for the proposals and suggestions made, contributing to the improvement of the guidelines.

In parallel with the organization of working groups, in early August, MADR published applicant guidelines for public consultation in order to finalize the documents necessary for launching project submission sessions under Pillar II FEADR interventions.

Thus, during the meeting, 10 FEADR interventions were discussed in terms of approving proposed financial allocations, selection criteria and scores, as well as all the elements required for launching.

These interventions, estimated to be launched in the second half of October, target irrigation, rural infrastructure, horticulture, processing of agricultural and horticultural products, animal husbandry, young farmer installation, and professional training.

Additionally, following consultations with industry associations, MADR initiated steps, in accordance with European Union provisions, to amend certain chapters or intervention sheets of the Strategic Plan to ensure its better implementation.

During the meeting, the proposals elaborated and submitted to the European Commission were presented, and they will be subject to public consultation with the associative environment following discussions with representatives of the European Commission.

The minister emphasized the importance of the Monitoring Committee and requested the contributions of those present to build a transparent and productive dialogue that would allow for consensus on the agenda topics.

Alongside Minister Florin BARBU, the meeting was attended by USAMV Rector Sorin Mihai CÎMPEANU, State Secretaries Sorin MOISE and Adrian PINTEA, the General Director of the Directorate General for Rural Development - AM PNDR, Dana REBEGA, the General Director of AFIR, George CHIRIȚĂ, as well as directors and experts from MADR, APIA, and other subordinate institutions.




