Beneficiaries of European funds granted through the Agency for Rural Investment Funding have received non-reimbursable funds totaling €13.26 million.
Payments were made by AFIR in installments on May 8th and 9th, 2024, for the reimbursement of expenses related to the DR-06 Animal Welfare intervention.
Thus, AFIR paid €6.7 million to farmers who benefited from payments in favor of pig welfare (DR-06 Package A), as well as €6.56 million to farmers who requested compensatory payments for poultry welfare (DR-06 Package B).
Out of the total amount paid by AFIR into farmers' accounts, €11.27 million comes from the EAFRD – European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, while the remaining €1.99 million represents the contribution from the National Budget.
It is worth mentioning that non-reimbursable public funds are granted following the verification and payment authorization by AFIR experts of the expenses incurred, based on payment requests received from beneficiaries of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), in accordance with the financing contracts concluded, as well as with the commitments undertaken.