

AFIR: Publication of the Applicant's Guides and related Annexes DR 20-Zootehnie



AFIR (Romanian Rural Investment Agency) informs that it has published the Applicant's Guide and the annexes related to the DR 20-Animal Husbandry-Livestock Growth program.

The DR 20 program - "Investments in the zootechnical sector" aims to:

  • Strengthen market orientation and increase the competitiveness of agricultural farms, both in the short and long term, including enhancing focus on research, technology, and digitization.
  • Modernize the sector by stimulating and sharing knowledge, promoting innovation and digitization in agriculture and rural areas, and encouraging the adoption of these measures.


The support provided by this measure will contribute to:

  • Improving the overall performance of livestock farms by increasing animal populations and diversifying species.
  • Restructuring and modernizing livestock farms, improving the efficient use of resources, and accessing digital technologies.
  • Producing and using energy from renewable sources, circular bioeconomy, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Compliance with applicable community standards for all types of investments.
  • Increasing the added value of agricultural products by processing products at the farm level.


  • Farmers, excluding individuals.
  • Agricultural cooperatives and cooperative societies that serve the interests of member farmers.
  • Groups and producer organizations established based on the current national legislation and recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) serving the interests of their members.

Non-refundable support:

The maximum value of public support is €2,000,000 per project, and for projects exclusively involving the purchase of agricultural machinery and equipment, the maximum value of public support is €300,000 per project.

The intensity of non-refundable public support, relative to eligible costs per project, is a maximum of 65% of eligible costs.




