Supporting traditional pig farming in rural households and assisting pig owners in rural areas is a priority for the National Authority for Veterinary Health and Food Safety (ANSVSA).
Raising, slaughtering pigs in household settings, and selling them will not be prohibited. ANSVSA assures Romanians that they will be able to slaughter their pigs without issues before Christmas, in their own households.
To this end, ANSVSA is amending Order No. 130/2023, which approves the Specific Rules for the Implementation of Law No. 122/2023, by introducing a provision that allows the sale of pigs from households only under the condition that a private practice veterinarian authorized by the county DSVSA (County Veterinary and Food Safety Directorate) completes a clinical examination form, certifying the health status of the respective animal (which must be identified and registered in the National System for Animal Identification and Registration - SNIIA).
This provision is intended to assess the health status of the animal to be sold, thereby preventing the movement of animals that could contribute to the spread of African Swine Fever.
In order to ensure compliance with Regulation (EU) No. 594/2023 and Law No. 122/2023, the National Authority for Veterinary Health and Food Safety (ANSVSA) has developed and issued two essential regulatory acts: Order No. 130/2023, which approves the Specific Rules for the Implementation of Law No. 122/2023, and Joint Order No. 132/418/2023, issued together with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR), which establishes the biosecurity conditions and requirements for non-commercial pig holdings.
ANSVSA reminds all owners of non-commercial pig holdings of the importance of complying with biosecurity measures and current regulations to prevent and combat African Swine Fever and other associated risks. Communication and Document Logistics Department.