The Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture (APIA) announces that it issues certificates for beneficiaries of interventions in the zootechnical sector, managed by APIA, namely for:
PD-21 Coupled support for income - dairy cows PD-22 Coupled support for income - beef cattle PD-23 Coupled support for income - dairy buffalo heifers PD-24 Coupled support for income - sheep and goats PD-25 Coupled support for income - silkworms
The certificates are issued based on the agreements concluded by APIA with banking and non-banking institutions and agricultural guarantee funds.
These agreements are addressed to farmers who intend to access loans for financing their current activities from banking and non-banking institutions that have entered into agreements with APIA.
According to these agreements, at the written request of the farmer, APIA issues a certificate confirming that the beneficiary has submitted the Single Payment Application for the zootechnical sector interventions mentioned above during the 2023 Campaign.
At the same time, the certificate issued by APIA confirms that, on the date of issuance, the farmer is not subject to exclusions from payment for zootechnical sector interventions and fulfills the general conditions for the payment of the amounts due, in accordance with the current legislation.
The financing amount will be up to 90% of the calculated value obtained by multiplying the planned unit amount for the 2023 application year by the number of animals/quantities confirmed by the certificate for each intervention in the zootechnical sector, managed by APIA and mentioned in the agreement.
The Rural Credit Guarantee Fund IFN - SA (FGCR) and the National Credit Guarantee Fund for Small and Medium Enterprises IFN - SA (FNGCIMM) guarantee loans granted by banks to farmers.
We would like to remind farmers that according to the Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development No. 50/2017 amending the Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development No. 703/2013 approving the conditions for the conclusion of agreements between financial and banking institutions, non-banking institutions, and APIA for the financing by these institutions of the current activities of the beneficiaries of payments carried out by our institution based on the certificates issued, the interest rate for granting the loans will be RON-ROBOR 6M + a maximum of 2%.
Regarding the fees charged by the financing institutions, APIA draws the attention of farmers who wish to access loans for working capital financing for their current activities to carefully analyze the financing solutions proposed by financial and banking institutions and non-banking institutions in terms of their cost, in order to choose the financing methods that best meet their needs.
All agreements concluded between APIA, banking and non-banking institutions, and FGCR/FNGCIMM will be posted on the institution's website at www.apia.org.ro, under the section "Convenții, Acorduri, Protocoale" (Agreements, Protocols).