The Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture (APIA) informs potential beneficiaries that until August 9, 2023, inclusive, applications can be submitted for the state aid scheme to support cattle breeders in the bovine sector for the year 2022, in the context of the crisis caused by Russia's aggression against Ukraine.
The beneficiaries are animal breeders who permanently own bovine animals registered in the National Bovine Database (BND) as animal owners and/or farm owners, including:
The applications for state aid and the supporting documents are to be submitted/transmitted to APIA Centers, accompanied by a statement of own responsibility that they are not undergoing reorganization, liquidation, or bankruptcy as of February 24, 2022, according to the model provided in Annex No.1, point III of Emergency Ordinance No. 3/2023.
In case applicants do not have a unique registration code in the APIA's Unique Identification Register (RUI) before submitting the application, they are obliged to request registration at APIA Centers by submitting the Unique Identification Code Application Form, according to the model provided in Annex No. 1 of OMADR 22/2011 on the reorganization of the Farm Register, which becomes the Unique Identification Register, in order to access the measures regulated by the Common Agricultural Policy, with subsequent amendments and completions.
The documents attached to the application for state aid and the eligibility criteria are presented in the ANNEX.
The payment of state aid will be made until December 31, 2023.
APIA, always alongside farmers!
The documents attached to the application for state aid are as follows:
General documents:
Specific documents:
The document will be issued by the users of the National Animal Identification and Registration System (SNIIA) and will be transmitted in electronic format to the local/judicial centers or the center in Bucharest of APIA.
Proof of milk utilization:
To the first buyer:
Other types of utilization:
Eligibility criteria:
a) Own at least 10 adult cows in a farm with an ANSVSA code, registered in the BND, except for those in the administrative-territorial units in the mountain area provided for in the Strategic Plan for CAP 2023-2027, approved by Decision C(2022) 8,783 of December 7, 2022, published on the website madr.ro, https://pndr.ro/documente/ro/PNS-2023-2027-lista-zonelor-eligibile-pentru-interventiile-HNV-ANC-AEC.xlsx, which must own at least 5 adult cows in a farm with an ANSVSA code, registered in the BND;
b) Produce and utilize milk from August 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022;
c) The beneficiary of state aid may differ from the owner of adult cows as of July 31, 2022, for the following cases, provided that the date of change of the form of organization/deregistration is between July 31, 2022, and the date of submitting the application for state aid: a) The beneficiary is an authorized individual - PFA, individual enterprise - II, family enterprise - IF, and the adult cows are registered in the BND on the personal numeric code (CNP) of the PFA, II, IF representative; b) The beneficiary is a natural person - CNP representative of PFA/II/IF, and the adult cows are registered in the BND under the unique registration code (CUI) of the PFA/II/IF.
d) Have at least 75% of the number of adult cows required in lit. a) on December 31, 2022, with the exception of those that were in one of the following situations: bankruptcy, liquidation, force majeure, or have farms subject to sanitary veterinary restrictions on animal movement caused by the diseases listed in art. 5, para. (1) a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429;
e) Be registered in the unique identification register, hereinafter referred to as RUI, and have a unique registration code assigned by APIA;
f) Not be undergoing reorganization, liquidation, or bankruptcy as of February 24, 2022, according to the records of the National Trade Register Office, or in the case of a natural person, no final court decision declaring bankruptcy has been issued until February 24, 2022;
g) Eligible for payment are also the animals that entered or left the farms with ANSVSA codes owned by the same beneficiary or the farms of associations/cooperatives/producer groups where they were temporarily transferred for grazing purposes between July 31, 2022, and December 31, 2022.