

APIA receives annual initial requests for state aid in the livestock sector



The Payments and Intervention Agency for Agriculture (APIA) informs that, until July 31, 2023, it accepts annual initial applications for the state aid in the animal breeding sector for the period of July 1 to December 31, 2023, applications approved by the National Zootechnical Association (ANZ).

The applications are submitted at the APIA County Centers, including the Municipality of Bucharest, where the applicant's registered office is located.

According to Government Emergency Ordinance No. 61/2023 regarding the establishment of a state aid scheme in the animal breeding sector, published in the Official Gazette No. 602/30.06.2023, the maximum values of state aid are calculated for the mentioned period as follows:

  • For the services of establishing and maintaining the genealogical registry of the breed:

a) 30 lei/head for animal breeds of cattle, buffalo, and equine species;

b) 17.5 lei/head for animal breeds of sheep and goats;

c) 50 lei/head for animal breeds of swine species.

  • For the services of determining the genetic quality of animal breeds:

a) 70 lei/head for milk performance testing and 30 lei/head for meat production control in cattle and buffalo species;

b) 17.5 lei/head for milk performance testing, 17.5 lei/head for meat production, 15 lei/head for fine wool production, and 18 lei/head for pelt production in sheep and goat species.

The annual initial application for the establishment and maintenance of the genealogical registry, completed by the service providers, shall be accompanied by the following documents:

a) Proof of legal entity status (copy of Unique Registration Code/Company Registration Number);

b) Accreditation of the applicant for the establishment and maintenance of the genealogical registry/recognition as the breeding society for carrying out a breeding program with purebred animals registered in the genealogical registry managed or established by the applicant, and the approval decision of the breeding program(s) implemented for the breed(s) for which state aid is requested, issued by ANZ;

c) List of micro-enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises benefiting from the establishment and maintenance of genealogical registries, approved by ANZ, including: enterprise name, address, Unique Registration Code/Company Registration Number/Personal Identification Number, as applicable, CAEN code, unique identification number of the enterprise at the Payments and Intervention Agency for Agriculture (APIA), service contract number between the service provider and beneficiary, breed and number of animals covered by the services, number of employees and turnover, and in the case of new enterprises, the mention "newly established enterprise" shall be indicated;

d) Copy of the contract between the genealogical registry holder and the service provider for determining the genetic quality of animal breeds, or the third party designated in the approved breeding program, if different from the genealogical registry holder, indicating the contribution of the parties to achieving the objectives of the breeding program;

e) List of activities, including the work and tariffs for the application year, approved by ANZ;

f) Copy of the producer certificate for individual beneficiaries;

g) Self-declaration indicating whether the beneficiary is entitled to VAT deduction or not.

The annual initial application for the state aid for the services of determining the genetic quality of animal breeds, completed by the service providers for determining the genetic quality of animal breeds, shall be accompanied by the following documents:

a) Proof of legal entity status (copy of Unique Registration Code/Company Registration Number);

b) Accreditation of the applicant for providing the services of determining the genetic quality of animal breeds or authorization as a third party for performance testing, issued by ANZ;

c) List of micro-enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises benefiting from the services for determining the genetic quality or genetic performance of the livestock, approved by ANZ, including: enterprise name, address, Unique Registration Code/Company Registration Number/Personal Identification Number, as applicable, CAEN code, unique identification number of the enterprise at APIA, service contract number between the service provider and beneficiary, breed and number of animals covered by the services, number of employees and turnover, and in the case of new enterprises, the mention "newly established enterprise" shall be indicated;

d) Copy of the contract between the genealogical registry holder and the service provider for determining the genetic quality of animal breeds, or the third party designated in the approved breeding program, or a certificate issued by ANZ, if different from the genealogical registry holder, indicating the contribution of the parties to achieving the objectives of the breeding program;

e) List of activities, including the work and tariffs for the application year, approved by ANZ;

f) Copy of the producer certificate for individual beneficiaries;

g) Self-declaration indicating whether the beneficiary is entitled to VAT deduction or not.

The submitted documents shall bear the mention "conform cu originalul" (true to the original), confirmed by the signature of the applicant, and will serve as the basis for data processing/verification in the electronic applications for managing state aid and for subsequent administrative verifications.




