The European Commission announces that it has launched a call for applications for the establishment of the EU Agri-Food Chain Observatory.
The creation of this observatory, which will analyze production costs, margins, and commercial practices, was announced in mid-March as one of the measures to strengthen farmers' positions in the food supply chain and to enhance trust among all actors along this chain.
Its objective is to ensure greater transparency of prices, cost structures, and distribution of margins and value-added within the supply chain, while respecting confidentiality and competition rules.
The observatory's activities will support the development of methodologies for assessing and monitoring cost structures and the distribution of margins and value-added along the food supply chain.
The observatory will bring together up to 80 members, representing national authorities responsible for agriculture, fisheries, or aquaculture, or the food supply chain, as well as organizations representing stakeholders operating at various stages of the chain – from farmers, input suppliers, the food industry, and traders to transportation, logistics, retail, and consumers. The first meeting of the observatory is expected to take place in July 2024.
The call for applications is open until May 13. Organizations applying must be registered in the Transparency Register to be eligible.
More information about this news can be found online. (Photo: European Commission)