

What is convenience food? The definition must better guide food policy



According to FoodNavigator, the lack of a universal definition of what constitutes "convenience foods" risks hindering food and nutrition policy and health interventions, researchers cited by the publication argue.

Unclear Definition

They found that 77% (n = 189) of studies did not provide a clear definition for the concept of "convenience" and its interpretation. Among those that defined it, there were substantial variations, and no definition encompassed all dimensions of convenience regarding the food environment and associated consumer behaviors.

Additionally, researchers noted that the majority (n=92, 38%) of the reviewed studies viewed convenience as a key factor influencing food choices or consumption, especially within specific population groups or contexts.

64% (n = 86) were conducted in high-income countries, with a notable concentration in the United States. In contrast, only 6% of studies were conducted in low-income countries, with South Asia receiving the least attention (n=14 studies). A limited number of studies (n=12) focused on multiple countries.

The predominant method of measuring convenience was through surveys or questionnaires, used by 80% of studies (n=195). When examining convenience in relation to specific environments, 53% of studies focused on the personal or home food environment, closely followed by the formal retail food environment (40%).

Furthermore, 55% of studies measured convenience in relation to a single food-related behavior, primarily focusing on food purchasing (n=138, 57%) or food preparation (n=137, 56%).

Remarkably, 201 of the reviewed studies (83%) relied on perceived measures of convenience, based on consumers' personal experiences.

Significance of Defining Convenience

The researchers argue that understanding convenience varies widely in the field of nutrition and the food environment.

Convenience is often described as a positive attribute associated with food practices that save time and effort. At the same time, it is used to characterize a category of foods, including fast food or ultra-processed foods (UPF), which have adverse effects on health and nutrition outcomes.

This divergence in conceptualization introduces ambiguity in health policy and practice, they added, raising the question of whether convenience should be promoted or discouraged to improve public health nutrition?

Acknowledging this dilemma, the researchers argue that establishing a clear definition provides an opportunity to precisely identify the dimensions and components of convenience relevant to discussion.

Additionally, it helps identify areas within food systems where convenience can be strategically used to improve nutrition.

"Future research should focus on developing and validating assessment tools that measure both perceived and objective aspects of convenience in a comprehensive manner, aligned with the multifaceted definition of convenience," the researchers wrote.

"Having a more comprehensive, agreed-upon definition, as well as assessment tools that are aligned with this definition, will enable improved measurement of the ways in which convenience influences consumer behavior, to identify policy levers and interventions aimed at increasing consumption of healthy diets." (Photo: Freepik)




