

What stores do Romanians frequent on weekends?



The most recent study conducted by Reveal Marketing Research aimed to identify the attitudes and perceptions of Romanians regarding the proposal of small traders to close supermarkets and hypermarkets on weekends.

90% of urban Romanians declare that they usually do their shopping in supermarkets and hypermarkets.

85% of Romanians declare that they have heard about the proposal of small traders to close supermarkets and hypermarkets on weekends.

Only 3 out of 10 Romanians would agree with the implementation of this regulation.

During the Week

If large stores were to close on weekends, 64% of Romanians would do their shopping during the week, 28% would go to a nearby open store, and 8% would order online.

Physical stores continue to be Romanians' preference for household shopping, with 90% of Romanians usually doing their shopping in supermarkets and hypermarkets.

According to the results of the most recent study conducted by Reveal Marketing Research, physical stores remain Romanians' favorites when it comes to household shopping.

Therefore, 90% of Romanians declare that they usually do their shopping in supermarkets and hypermarkets. Among consumers' preferences, we also find markets (51%) and neighborhood stores (42%).

As a trend, we can observe that both mature individuals over 55 years old (66%) and men (56% men vs. 47% women) prefer to a significantly greater extent to do their shopping by going to the market, which could be influenced by traditional buying habits and the desire to purchase fresh and local products.

On the other hand, only 14% of Romanians usually do their shopping by placing online orders, especially those with high incomes of over 8,000 RON (20%).

Turning our attention to the behaviors of Romanians who usually do their shopping in supermarkets or hypermarkets, we observe that 36% of them do their shopping when they need products, regardless of the day of the week. At the same time, 33% of them prefer weekdays, and 31% prefer to make purchases on weekends.

"It is remarkable to note that, despite the increasing popularity of online shopping, supermarkets and hypermarkets remain the main choices for household product shopping, offering shopping experiences considered to be the most reliable.

Additionally, the study data also reveal that Romanians like flexibility when it comes to the purchasing process, with the majority stating that they prefer to do their shopping when they need to, regardless of the day of the week.

This need for flexibility and adaptability may be a response to the fast-paced lifestyle and diverse needs of consumers, reflecting their desire to manage their time efficiently and have quick access to necessary products," mentions Marius Luican, CEO of Reveal Marketing Research.

Only 3 out of 10 Romanians would agree with closing supermarkets and hypermarkets on weekends.

Currently, 85% of Romanians declare that they have heard about the proposal of small traders to close supermarkets and hypermarkets on weekends or to reduce their hours until noon, with men being more familiar with the subject (89% men vs. 82% women).

On the other hand, a quarter of young people aged 18-24 (26%) declare that they have not heard about this proposal, compared to the percentage of 15% recorded for the entire sample.

Measuring Romanians' perceptions regarding this subject, 41% express rather disagreement with this initiative, especially men (45% men vs. 36% women) and those with high incomes, over 8,000 RON (45%).

Only 33% of Romanians declare that they would agree with this initiative, and people aged 35-44 (39%) stand out as the most willing to support such a change. At the same time, 26% of respondents are undecided about the initiative, with a significantly higher proportion among young people aged 18 to 24 (40%).

How would Romanians proceed if supermarkets and hypermarkets were closed on weekends?

In the scenario where supermarkets and hypermarkets were closed on weekends, most Romanians declare that they would adapt and be careful to purchase everything they need during the week (64%), especially those over 55 years old (70%).

28% declare that they would go to a nearby open store, especially those aged 18-24 (45%), a age group known for their desire to have immediate access to quick solutions tailored to their active lifestyle.

On the other hand, 8% of Romanians would order online, especially young people aged 25-35 (13%), who are often more familiar with using the internet and e-commerce platforms.




