Rising prices, inflation and the cost of living, the economic situation, health and education are at the top of Romanians' concerns in 2023.
As a result of the war in Ukraine, the international situation is also a concern, both from an economic and security point of view.
After two years of the pandemic and one of war in the immediate vicinity, Romanians put the increase in prices, inflation and the cost of living first among their concerns, both in terms of their personal situation (51%) and their opinion regarding the national situation ( 53%) and the European level (30%).
On a personal and national level, one's own financial situation (22%) and the country's economic situation (29%) rank second, followed by health (17%, both personally and nationally).
Regarding the European Union, Romanians rank the international situation in second place as a concern (28%), followed by energy resources (19%).
The majority of Romanians believe that their own financial/economic situation will stagnate (40%) or even worsen (36%) in the next year, a perception that also extends to national (31 and 41%, respectively) and European (32 and , respectively, 34%).
Romanians are satisfied with the way the European Union handled the response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine (58%) and are in favor of imposing sanctions on Russia (67%), banning certain Russian media outlets in the EU (61%), financing the purchase of military equipment for Ukraine (55%), providing humanitarian aid to those affected by the war (71%) or welcoming Ukrainian refugees to the Union (72%).
They believe that the Russian invasion is a threat to the security of both the European Union (69%) and their own country (71%). They also appreciate that the war has an impact both on their own financial situation (66%) and on the national economic situation (69%).
The majority of Romanians have confidence in the European Union (52%, compared to 47% in the EU27), 42% of them (50% in the EU27) appreciating as its main positive result the freedom of movement, i.e. the possibility to travel, study or work without restrictions in any of the EU member states.
Regarding the media behavior of Romanians, they mainly use television (75%) or social networks (32%) to get information on European topics, as well as discussions with relatives, friends or work colleagues (51%). Romanians declare that they are aware of the existence of the phenomenon of disinformation and fake news (63%), but only half of them believe that they can identify them (54%).