

End of Penalty-Free Payment Application Campaign 2023!



The Payments and Intervention Agency for Agriculture (APIA) informs the public about the conclusion of the Penalty-Free Payment Application Campaign.

Thus, during the period of March 1st - May 31st, 2023, a total of 755,810 payment applications were submitted for an area of over 9.95 million hectares.

A comparative analysis of the data reveals that compared to the previous year, the number of applications decreased by 34,000, while the agricultural area increased by 22,000 hectares. Farmers have confirmed once again this year that they are aware of the importance of consolidating lands to increase productivity and competitiveness in the market.

"I would like to thank all my colleagues who have demonstrated exemplary mobilization, as always, and who understand that teamwork, dedication, and involvement are the steps towards success! I convey my appreciation to Romanian farmers who have been with us in this challenging campaign, a campaign that came with the challenges brought by the changes in the National Rural Development Plan 2023-2027," stated Adrian PINTEA, Director General of APIA.

We would like to emphasize that, in accordance with current community and national regulations, the Payment Application Campaign continues until June 9th, 2023, inclusive, with the application of a 1% penalty for each day of delay.

Please refer to the APPENDIX for the situation of penalty-free submission of Payment Applications for the 2023 Campaign, structured by each county and the requested payment area.




