In 2022, compared to 2021, the slaughter of cattle and poultry in industrial units (abattoirs) showed an upward trend, while the slaughter of pigs, sheep, and goats exhibited a downward trend.
The production of collected milk from farms and collection centers by industrial processing units increased in 2022 compared to 2021.
Slaughter of animals and poultry in industrial units
In 2022, the number of slaughtered cattle in industrial units (abattoirs) increased by 3.0% compared to the previous year, while the slaughter of pigs decreased by 11.4%. The production of beef decreased by 1.6%, and pork production decreased by 14.1%.
The number of slaughtered sheep and goats in industrial units (abattoirs) decreased by 22.3% compared to the previous year, and the production of sheep and goat meat decreased by 21.7%.
The number of slaughtered poultry in industrial units (abattoirs) increased by 5.2% compared to 2021, and poultry meat production increased by 5.6%.
The predominant slaughter of cattle took place in the North-East (47.6%), Central (11.0%), West (over 10.0%), and South-Muntenia (10.5%) regions. The highest shares of pig slaughter were recorded in the following regions:
West (over 38.0%), South-Muntenia (22.1%), North-East (13.7%), and North-West (12.6%).
The highest shares of sheep and goat slaughter were registered in the following regions:
South-Muntenia (over 26.0%), West (over 20.0%), North-East (17.9%), and Central (14.2%). In 2022, the predominant poultry slaughter occurred in the following regions: North-East (27.4%), South-East (22.7%), Central (17.3%), and South-West Oltenia (over 13.0%).
Milk and dairy products from industrial units
In 2022, compared to the previous year, the quantity of raw cow's milk collected by processing units from farms and collection centers increased by 7,086 tons (+0.6%).
The quantity of collected raw goat milk increased by 6.6% in 2022 compared to 2021, while the quantities of collected raw buffalo and sheep milk decreased by 11.2% and 28.8%, respectively.
The quantity of imported raw milk increased by 19,840 tons (+14.3%) in 2022 compared to the previous year. In 2022, the highest production growth was recorded for powdered milk with 221 tons (+9.9%), followed by processed cheese with 483 tons (+4.7%), and cheese (including cottage cheese) with 3,971 tons (+4.0%).
The production of cheese from cow's milk (which represents 93.0% of the total cheese production) also increased by 4,179 tons (+4.6%).
Decreases in production in 2022 compared to 2021 were recorded for the following dairy products: butter with 745 tons (-6.7%), drinking milk with 20,050 tons (-5.2%), cream with 2,371 tons (-3.5%), and fermented milk products (yogurt, drinking yogurt, and other similar dairy products) with 7,732 tons (-3.5%).
The largest quantities of cow's milk were collected in the Central (40.6%), North-West (19.3%), and North-East (17.0%) regions. Drinking milk was predominantly produced in the Central (56.0%), North-West (21.4%), and West (over 15.0%) regions.
The Central, Bucharest-Ilfov, and North-West regions accounted for over 79.0% of the production of fresh dairy products (cream and fermented milk): Central (38.4%), Bucharest-Ilfov (over 23.0%), and North-West (17.6%).
The largest quantities of butter were produced in the Central (46.9%), West (32.7%), North-West (9.0%), and North-East (5.3%) regions. Cheese (including cottage cheese) was mainly produced in the Central (39.4%), North-East (23.3%), North-West (17.9%), South-Muntenia (8.5%), and South-East (7.5%) regions.