On the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, in the "Transparency in Decision-Making" section, a draft Order was posted to amend Annex 5 to Ministerial Order No. 994/2016 concerning the update of the National Analytical Data Bank for each production year.
The purpose of this draft order is to align the provisions of Annex 5 of O.M.A.D.R. No. 994/2016 with those of Annex III Part IV "Model for the analysis report on samples of wine and vitivinicultural products analyzed by a method recommended and published by OIV, mentioned in Article 27(5)" of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/274.
This amendment is necessary to ensure the transposition of European legislation into national law and to correspond with the digital format of the isotopic data analytical bank, following changes to the information system managed by the European Reference Centre for the Control of Wines and Spirits ("ERC-CWS").
The draft regulatory act can be consulted here: https://www.madr.ro/proiecte-de-acte-normative/8345-proiect-ordin-modificare-anexa-5-omadr-994-2016-actualizarea-bancii-nationale-de-date-analitice.html