The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has posted on its website, under the "Decision Transparency" section, a draft Emergency Ordinance on the establishment of a state aid scheme in the animal farming sector.
The state aid scheme aims to cover the administrative costs related to the establishment and maintenance of the pedigree registry, as well as the costs associated with tests for determining the genetic quality or genetic performance of the livestock.
The maximum amount of state aid under the scheme for the period 2023-2027 is 561,571,180 lei, of which 173,901,190 lei is allocated to bovine, buffalo, swine, and equine species, and 387,669,990 lei to ovine and caprine species.
The value of the state aid granted per animal per year for the establishment and maintenance of pedigree registries is as follows:
a) 60 lei for bovine, buffalo, and equine species; b) 35 lei for ovine and caprine species; c) 100 lei for swine.
For tests performed by third parties or on behalf of third parties to determine the genetic quality or performance of the livestock, the maximum amount granted per animal per year is as follows:
a) 140 lei for milk production performance testing and 60 lei for meat production performance testing for bovine and buffalo species; b) 35 lei for milk production performance testing, 35 lei for meat production performance testing, 30 lei for wool production performance testing for fine wool breeds, and 36 lei for skin production performance testing for ovine and caprine species.
The allocated amount of state aid for the period from July 1 to December 31, 2023 is a maximum of 39,000,000 lei in commitment credits, of which 16,926,000 lei is for bovine, buffalo, swine, and equine species, and 22,074,000 lei is for ovine and caprine species. Additionally, 24,000,000 lei is allocated in budgeted credits, of which 10,416,000 lei is for bovine, buffalo, swine, and equine species, and 13,584,000 lei is for ovine and caprine species.
The intensity of the state aid for the mentioned services is:
a) Up to 100% of the administrative costs related to the establishment and maintenance of pedigree registries; b) Up to 70% of the costs associated with tests performed by third parties or on behalf of third parties to determine the genetic quality or performance of animal herds.
State aid is provided in the form of subsidized services to microenterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, individual and family enterprises, authorized individuals, individuals with producer certificates, and legal entities engaged in agricultural production.
The initial annual applications for state aid, completed by applicants and approved by the National Agency for Zootechnics (ANZ), must be submitted from December 1 to December 15 of the previous year for which the state aid is requested at the county branches of the Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture (APIA), or at the branch in Bucharest if the applicant's registered office is located within its jurisdiction.
As an exception, for the year 2023, the initial applications for state aid related to services provided from July to December 2023 must be submitted by the applicants and approved by ANZ between the date of entry into force of this emergency ordinance and July 31, 2023, inclusive.
The draft can be consulted here: https://www.madr.ro/proiecte-de-acte-normative/8311-proiect-oug-ajutor-de-stat-crestere-animale.html