

Extending the application period of the suspensive clause to support the pig and poultry sectors



In the Government Session, the Emergency Ordinance of the Government for completing Article 13 of Law No. 195/2018 regarding the approval of the Support Program for Swine Breeders for reproduction activity, as well as Article 12 of Law No. 227/2018 regarding the approval of the Support Program for reproduction, incubation, and growth in the poultry sector was approved.

This normative act aims to extend the application period of the suspensive clause by a maximum of 6 months, under the condition that the beneficiaries present a self-declaration stating that the document acquisition procedure is not finalized at the date of submitting the extension request.

Through the Support Program for Swine Breeders for reproduction activity, approved by Law No. 195/2018, until the deadline for signing contracts, namely December 31, 2022, 28 contracts have been concluded.

This support scheme assists in establishing 49,349 swine reproduction accommodation places in commercial farms, generating an annual production of approximately 1.25 million piglets.

Through the Support Program for reproduction, incubation, and growth in the poultry sector, approved by Law No. 227/2018, until the deadline for signing contracts, namely December 31, 2022, 40 contracts have been concluded.

This program supports the establishment of 8.8 million accommodation places for breeding, reproduction, incubation in the poultry sector.

Following notifications sent between November 15-20, 2023, by some beneficiaries of the two programs, it was found that 7 beneficiaries under the Swine Program, representing 20%, and 4 beneficiaries under the Poultry Program, representing 10%, due to reasons beyond their control, have not completed the document acquisition procedure for which the suspensive clause was regulated.

Thus, the non-adoption of this measure could result in the non-realization of some of the investment projects for which funding contracts have been concluded, simultaneously causing significant losses to the beneficiaries who have already incurred substantial expenses for the preparation of documentation, geotechnical and feasibility studies, design work, acquisition/obtaining of the right to use the land for the investment, consultancy, as well as other expenses necessary for the implementation of the projects.




