MADR announces that the Decision approving the support program for breeders of Bazna and/or Mangalitsa breeding pigs for the year 2024 was adopted by the Government of Romania in the meeting held on April 4, 2024.
The regulatory act aims to support breeders of Bazna and/or Mangalitsa breeding pigs for the year 2024, with the goal of increasing the number of breeding animals owned and the number of products valorized from them.
The total maximum value of the de minimis aid scheme is 1,000,000 lei and is provided from the budget approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for the year 2024. It should be noted that the support amount has increased compared to 2023, from 1,200 lei/sow/year to 2,000 lei/sow/year.
The total amount of de minimis aid schemes granted to an enterprise/single enterprise cannot exceed 20,000 euros over the course of three financial years, in the current financial year, i.e., the year of application, and the two preceding financial years.
The beneficiaries of the de minimis aid scheme can be breeders of Bazna and/or Mangalitsa breeding pigs, namely:
a) agricultural producers - self-employed individuals, family enterprises, and individual enterprises;
b) agricultural producers - agricultural companies;
c) agricultural producers - legal entities.
To be eligible, beneficiaries must meet the following conditions:
a) to own registered/authorized sanitary-veterinary farms;
b) to own Bazna and/or Mangalitsa sows, registered in the genealogical registry in the main section at the time of application, identified and recorded in the National Database of Breeding, Livestock and Genealogical Registers (BND);
c) to possess the farm register, completed and updated, in accordance with the provisions of art. 1, point 39 of the Sanitary-Veterinary Norm approved by the Order of the President of the National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority no.208/2022;
d) to provide evidence of commercial delivery of a minimum of 4 offspring/sow/year, with a minimum weight of 8 kg/head;
e) to identify and register the offspring referred to in point d), according to the Sanitary-Veterinary Norm for the implementation of the identification and registration process of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, camelids, cervids, and reindeer, approved by the Order of the President of the National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority no.208/2022;
f) to maintain the number of sows for which they applied to the Program, including through the replacement procedure included in the regulatory act, until November 29, 2024, inclusive. (Photo: MADR)
Applications for enrollment in the Program are submitted to the County Agriculture Directorates starting from the day following the entry into force of this decision until June 30, 2024, inclusive.
The documents accompanying the application for enrollment in the program are as follows:
a) certificate of registration with the National Trade Register Office/act under which the activity is carried out, if applicable, power of attorney and a copy of the ID card/passport of the legal representative, as applicable;
b) document showing that the farm is registered in the National Breeding Database (BND), with the animals identified and registered in the National System for the Identification and Registration of Animals, issued by the operator of the national identification system;
c) sanitary-veterinary registration document/ sanitary-veterinary authorization, copy, as applicable;
d) certificate issued by the accredited association of the National Agency for Zootechnics for the establishment and maintenance of the breed genealogical registry, endorsed by the County Office of Zootechnics, confirming the registration of the sows/gilts in the genealogical registry of the breed, in the main section, detailed by ear tags;
e) updated farm register showing the number of sows registered in the Genealogical Registry of the breed, in the main section, held, copy;
f) proof of active bank/treasury account.
Payment applications and supporting documents shall be submitted to the County Agriculture Directorates no later than November 29, 2024, inclusive.
The documents accompanying the payment application include:
a) invoices/daily closing reports showing the identification details of the buyer and the number of animals sold;
b) accompanying note showing the number of products sold/weight per head of animal sold and the address of the buyer's farm;
c) live animal movement document regulated by the current sanitary-veterinary legislation;
d) sanitary-veterinary certificate for the products sold;
e) mating and farrowing register showing the offspring delivered for sale. (Photo: Dreamstime)