ANSVSA (National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority) announces that the closing ceremony of the Project for the Development of Surveillance and Control Capacity of Beneficiaries through Expertise Transfer in the Sanitary-Veterinary and Food Safety field for the Sub-Saharan Africa region took place at the institution's headquarters, in partnership with the International Development Cooperation Agency under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The event was co-chaired by Alexandru Nicolae BOCIU, President - State Secretary of the National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority, and Andrei NOVAC, State Secretary from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Within the project, a delegation consisting of 20 participants from Sub-Saharan African countries, including South Africa, Angola, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, and Tanzania, accompanied by ANSVSA specialists, conducted study visits to various bakery units, slaughterhouses, meat processing facilities, dairy and fish processing facilities.
During the visits, discussions were held regarding the organization of the veterinary and food safety system in Romania, and issues related to European Union and national legislation were addressed.
Moreover, a key objective of the Sub-Saharan African delegation in initiating this project was to identify concrete export-import opportunities from our country.
In this regard, extensive discussions took place regarding the development of trade and cooperation in the field of food safety, with the Romanian side ensuring the African representatives of its full willingness and openness to economic cooperation. (Communications and Documentary Logistics Service)