In the Government meeting, a Decision was approved to amend and supplement Government Decision no. 315/2024 regarding the approval of the support program for breeders of reproduction pigs from the Bazna and/or Mangalita breeds for the year 2024.
This normative act extends the application deadline from June 30, 2024, to July 31, 2024, considering the objective of increasing the pig populations of these breeds and facilitating access to this scheme for as many breeders as possible, along with the need to efficiently absorb the funds allocated for this state aid scheme.
Additionally, a definition for gilts is introduced, specifically: "Gilt from the Bazna or Mangalita breeds – a female registered in the Genealogical Register of the breed, main section, which has recorded at least one mating or artificial insemination," to ensure their uniform identification.
The normative act aims to support breeders of reproduction pigs from the Bazna and/or Mangalita breeds for the year 2024, with the goal of increasing the number of reproduction animals owned and the offspring sold from them, and implicitly, the growth of the pig populations of the Bazna and Mangalita breeds at the national level.
Beneficiaries of the de minimis aid scheme can be breeders of reproduction pigs from the Bazna and/or Mangalita breeds, specifically:
a) Agricultural producers registered as PFA (Authorized Natural Person), II (Individual Enterprise), and IF (Family Enterprise), b) Agricultural producers who are agricultural companies, c) Agricultural producers who are legal entities.
It is noted that through the Government Decision approving the support program for breeders of reproduction pigs from the Bazna and/or Mangalita breeds for the year 2024, adopted by the Romanian Government on April 4, 2024, the value of the support increased from 1,200 lei per sow per year in 2023 to 2,000 lei per sow per year in 2024.
The total amount of de minimis aid schemes granted to a company/single company cannot exceed 20,000 euros over three financial years, during the current financial year, the year of application submission, and the two previous financial years. (Photo: Freepik)