

The EU has implemented much stricter regulations for the use of biocidal products in farms.



Regulations regarding the use of biocidal products are becoming increasingly strict worldwide. The registration of biocidal products in Europe is undergoing a structural change process.

Previously, each country had an individual registration and evaluation body, but recently the EU has transitioned to a new and strict registration system that is harmonized throughout the European Union, led by ECHA, also known as the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR).

Unique product with hydrogen peroxide

BPR registration sets very strict requirements for safety, toxicology, ecotoxicology, and efficacy. Obtaining this new registration guarantees that the product is highly safe and effective to use. In the BPR, you can register in multiple product types (PT groups). Intra Hydrocare is registered for use in:

PT02 (private and public health use)

PT03 (veterinary use)

PT04 (food and feed)

PT05 (drinking water for animals)

In practice, it is recommended to use a dose of 50 ppm (50 ml per 1,000 liters of water) in populated houses. With our PT05 registration, Intra Hydrocare is approved for use even at an increased dose of up to a maximum of 250 ppm.

This is unique because no other hydrogen peroxide product registered under the BPR is allowed to dose this amount in drinking water, which means it is safe for poultry to consume this amount of Intra Hydrocare in their drinking water.

The importance of cleaning and disinfection

Biofilm accumulates in the system during the cycle, so it is crucial to clean and disinfect the drinking system not only when the house is empty but also when it is populated.

The formation of biofilm in water distribution systems is demonstrated in independent scientific publications. This study also shows that adding chlorine at low, medium, or high concentration does not prevent this (Fish et al., 2018).

Biofilm in the drinking system is a major risk factor for animal health. When vaccines, supplements, and antibiotics are dosed through drinking water, they can be trapped by the biofilm, leading to underdosing of animals.

These products, in turn, serve as a substrate for further biofilm growth. When a biofilm matures, the microorganisms within the biofilm network will be spread through the drinking water.

If a product is not listed in the EU-BPR database, it simply is not approved for use. It is the responsibility of the farmer to monitor this closely, as using unregistered products can have unpleasant consequences.

Maintaining the entire water system clean

Standard hydrogen peroxide is not capable of preventing biofilm formation as it reacts too quickly with contamination in the initial part of the system.

While the danger zone is the last part of the system, further into the poultry shelter, where the water temperature is higher and the water velocity is lower.

Intra Hydrocare is an ultrastabilized pharmaceutical-grade hydrogen peroxide that keeps the entire system free from biofilm, even in the presence of animals.

It is the responsibility of the farmer and the integrator to ensure that a biocide complies with the European Biosecurity Act to avoid market withdrawals. Intra Hydrocare already provides 100% future assurance for farmers and integrators.




