One of the undisputed leaders in the meat processing sector, as well as a producer of top-quality dairy products and owner of zootechnical farms, Cris-Tim Holding has become a Gold Partner of the International Meat.Milk. Expo-Conference, an event that will take place on May 27 and 28 at Hotel Alpin in Poiana Brașov.
In this capacity, the company will showcase its Award range products at the booth it will set up in the Expo section.
Here's how representatives of Cris-Tim Holding describe their activity:
"Good things are not done on time, but ahead of time. And the people who make things happen are those who are one step ahead of everyone.
Those who wake up while it's still night outside, those who arrive first at their destination, those who always do more than is asked of them, those who have courage.
We, at Cris-Tim, have used time - those 30 years - both in our favor and yours, all Romanians.
Through work, dedication, perseverance, and innovation, we bring Romanian products with the Clean Label to your tables.
We knew 30 years ago that we wanted to be one step ahead of time. From our first kiosk and our first customer.
To be ahead of time means to show that you care. To have the courage to innovate and make the most appreciated salami in Romania.
To change something that seemed impossible. To make deli meats with a Clean Label: with more meat and fewer ingredients.
That was our belief: to always be ahead of time and to be the first to bring Romanian products with the Clean Label to your tables." (Photo: Cris-Tim Holding)