

Bird flu outbreak diagnosed at a household in Teleorman county



The Institute of Animal Health and Diagnosis has confirmed the presence of the H5N1 avian influenza virus in samples taken from a bird in a household with a population of 120 birds (40 turkeys, 45 geese, 10 ducks, 25 chickens) in the town of Țigănești, Teleorman County.

Immediately upon announcing the suspicion, the Local Operational Unit within the Directorate of Veterinary Sanitation and Food Safety (DSVSA) of Teleorman took the initial measures to isolate the outbreak. Following an epidemiological investigation, it was determined that the owner of the affected household had sold 25 birds to a neighbor.

In accordance with procedures, all 145 birds were culled, and the carcasses were disposed of by burial along with contaminated feed residues and bedding. After the removal of carcasses and waste, the households were disinfected. The Local Disease Control Center (CLCB) of Teleorman was convened, which adopted measures to combat and extinguish the avian influenza outbreak.

Protection zones (3 km) and surveillance zones (10 km) were established around the outbreak, and restrictions were imposed on the movement of people, animals, and vehicles. Birds in the restricted areas are constantly monitored, and for wild birds, the help of a hunters' association was enlisted to monitor the banks of the Vedea River. As of now, no further signs of the disease have been reported.

In Teleorman County, there are 5 commercial laying hen farms and one commercial quail farm. These units were notified and inspected for compliance with biosecurity measures.

Neighboring counties of Giurgiu, Olt, Argeș, and Dâmbovița, as well as the Union of Poultry Breeders in Romania, the European Commission, and the World Organization for Animal Health, have been notified.

To ensure public health, all poultry populations have been and continue to be subject to annual national disease surveillance programs, including avian influenza, so that only products and by-products obtained from healthy animals reach the Romanian market.

The National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA) requests the support of poultry industry farmers and citizens in implementing biosecurity measures, immediate reporting of poultry mortality to veterinary services, and compliance with all measures ordered by the authorities to prevent the spread of this disease in our country.

At this time, the situation is under control, and all applicable measures for an avian influenza outbreak have been taken, with no risk to public health.

The epidemiological investigation is ongoing. Communication and Documentary Logistics Service.




