

Investigation by the Competition Council on the poultry meat market



The Competition Council submits for public debate the commitments proposed by the Union of Poultry Breeders in Romania (UCPR) and several companies to address the competition concerns identified, which led to the initiation of an investigation into the production and/or marketing of poultry meat in Romania.

The investigation targets the behavior of poultry producers and/or traders, as well as the association to which they belong, which allegedly engaged in the exchange of sensitive information during association meetings, with the intention of limiting poultry deliveries, potentially restricting competition in the Romanian market.

The commitments proposed by UCPR and the investigated companies primarily involve anonymizing and aggregating the information that may circulate within the association, through the implementation of a black box system, which will receive and centralize the information transmitted by the companies.

In addition, the investigated companies have proposed the implementation of internal procedures regarding both internal and external information flows and compliance programs with competition legislation.

Thus, UCPR undertakes to modify its operating statutes, intending to process and disseminate only aggregated information about the evolution of the poultry meat market. It will also disseminate informative bulletins to third parties and publish them on its own website,

The parties involved in the investigation are Transavia SA, Ave Impex SRL, Vis Agri SRL, Safir SRL, AviTop SA, Avicola Buzău SA, Avicola Dragoș Vodă SA, Avicod SA, Agricola Internațional Bacău SA, Agrisol International RO SRL, and the Union of Poultry Breeders in Romania.

The Competition Council invites interested individuals or legal entities to submit observations regarding the proposed commitments by May 10, 2024, to the email address [email protected] or by mail to the Competition Council, Piața Presei Libere nr.1, Corp D1, Sector 1, Bucharest, postal code 013701.

After analyzing the received observations, the Competition Council may request modifications to the proposed commitments and/or decide to accept or reject them. The proposed commitments can be consulted on the competition authority's website:




