Over just three days, the 13th edition of the Meat.Milk. International Expo-Conference will commence at the Alpin Hotel in Poiana Brasov, a highly significant event for both sectors, under the theme "THE BALANCE BETWEEN TECHNOLOGY, COSTS, AND PRICES - an opportunity for Romania's meat and dairy sectors."
As per the program announced by infoGROUP agency and Meat.Milk. magazine, the event's organizers, participants will analyze the most acute aspects of Romania's meat and dairy sectors, as well as those related to the market and retail relationships.
In a world undergoing dramatic and unfavorable changes for an efficient and profitable business environment, Romania's meat and dairy sectors are experiencing one of the most severe periods since 1989.
Against the backdrop of economic upheaval, rising production costs, and prices, consumption is steadily declining, despite government efforts to cap the commercial margin on some food products.
The international situation is becoming increasingly complex, both geopolitically and economically, severely affecting the activities of Romanian farmers, processing companies, technology suppliers, and traders, all seeking solutions to navigate through this impasse.
These current realities and immediate developments will be the subject of analysis and discussions at the 13th edition of the Meat.Milk. International Expo-Conference, attended by zootechnical farmers, processors, processing and packaging technology suppliers, raw material suppliers, laboratory technology, logistics and transport solutions, representatives of professional associations (Romalimenta, ARC, APRIL, APCPR, FCBR, AMRCR, APAR), as well as top representatives of state institutions (MADR, ANSVSA, ANPC, APIA, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Economy, etc.), all convinced that together, we can identify the most effective opportunities to overcome obstacles and bring both sectors back on an upward trend.
The complete and updated program, the companies and speakers delivering presentations, the list of screenings in the Movie Meat.Milk. section, and the full list of partners and participants can be found here: https://meat-milk.ro/page/conferinta.
The proceedings of the Meat.Milk. Expo-Conference will be broadcasted in full, live on Agro TV, as well as via streaming on the Meat.Milk-Revistă și conferință Facebook page, and on the Facebook page of the aforementioned television channel.
We eagerly await your participation!