

ANSVSA undertook control actions in catering establishments



The National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA) has ordered official inspections to assess the hygiene and food safety requirements of spaces, facilities, and equipment intended for meal preparation within catering units authorized by veterinary sanitary authorities for intra-community exchanges and/or registered for veterinary sanitary and food safety.

At the basis of these control actions lies the principle of ensuring a high level of consumer health protection, considering the risk posed by the preparation and delivery of culinary products (ready-to-eat foods - cooked meals, salads, sauces, etc.) to large consumer communities, including vulnerable categories of people (preschool children, students, the elderly, persons with disabilities, hospitalized persons, etc.).

Thus, during the mentioned period, representatives of the County Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Directorates, as well as those of the Municipality of Bucharest, conducted 768 inspections in authorized/registered veterinary sanitary and food safety units.

As a result of the identified irregularities and violations of the legislation in the field of food safety, 109 administrative fines were imposed, totaling 935,100 lei. Additionally, 7 orders to suspend activities, 13 orders to prohibit activities, and the measure of official retention/seizure for a quantity of 509 kg of food products were issued.

Following the inspections carried out, a series of irregularities were found, including:

- improper storage and labeling of food products;

- improper handling of food products;

- difficulties in demonstrating product traceability;

- deficiencies regarding the maintenance of production spaces;

- storage and operation in non-veterinary approved spaces;

- lack of health certificates for personnel;

- absence of contracts for carrying out DDD operations;

- failure to carry out the self-control program.

Furthermore, 91 samples of ready-to-eat culinary products were taken for the determination of microbiological food safety criteria, with results conforming or under evaluation.

ANSVSA inspectors will penalize all economic operators who do not comply with hygiene standards and requirements to prevent risks regarding food safety.

We remind citizens of the toll-free ANSVSA Call Center number - 0800 826 787 - which can be dialed from any telephone network to report irregularities in the field of food safety. Communication and Documentary Logistics Service (Photo: Freepik)




