The European Commission has decided to send a reasoned opinion to Romania [INFR(2020)4041] for non-compliance with EU rules regarding the general principles and requirements of food law [Regulation (EC) No 178/2002RO], the hygiene of foodstuffs [Regulation (EC) No 852/2004RO], specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin [Regulation (EC) No 853/2004RO], and the procedure for the provision of information on technical regulations [Directive 2015/1535RO].
Romanian authorities have established national rules that deviate from the food hygiene requirements applicable throughout the European Union, which aim to ensure food safety for the benefit and protection of European consumers.
Furthermore, the national rules adopted by Romania do not comply with certain definitions provided in EU legislation, such as retail trade, primary products, and primary food production.
The infringement concerns game meat, wild-caught fish, and quail eggs. It also relates to the retail trade of secondary products of animal origin.
Additionally, the Commission considers that Romania has violated notification obligations under Directive 2015/1535 by failing to notify the national rules to the Commission before their adoption. In July 2020, the Commission sent a letter of formal notice to Romania.
Since Romania has not yet complied with this letter, the Commission has decided to send a reasoned opinion. Romania now has two months to take the necessary measures to comply with the reasoned opinion. Otherwise, the Commission may refer the case to the Court of Justice of the European Union.
Through its monthly package of infringement decisions, the European Commission ("the Commission") aims to take legal action against Member States that have not fulfilled their obligations under EU law.
These decisions, covering various sectors and policy areas of the EU, aim to ensure the proper application of EU legislation for the benefit of citizens and businesses.
Stages of infringement procedures.