The European Commission invites farmers to share their experiences regarding unfair trading practices within the food supply chain.
A survey specifically targeting farmers and small suppliers in the EU operating within the agricultural and food supply chain, at various stages of production and distribution, is available online in all EU languages until March 15, 2023.
Respondents can indicate whether they have recently encountered unfair trading practices or if current legislation provides them with sufficient protection against economically stronger buyers.
After presenting simplification options on February 22 to reduce the burden on EU farmers, the Commission is also working on actions to improve farmers' position within the food chain and enhance the fight against unfair trading practices.
In March, the Commission will present member states with several actions that could address aspects such as market transparency within the value chain, implementation of the Unfair Trading Practices Directive, and ensuring compliance with it, production costs, or a more consistent control of existing rules regarding imported agricultural products.
These will take into account the results of the specific consultation, which will be launched in March and will allow the identification of key sources of concern, as well as understanding the factors influencing the administrative burden and complexity.
Additionally, the Commission encourages all stakeholders to share their views on the potential administrative burden associated with the Nitrate Directive.