The Competition Council has updated the online platform Monitorul Prețurilor (www.monitorulpreturilor.info), providing users with a dedicated section for products with capped commercial markups. A new menu, "Capped Markup Products," is now available on the main page of the "Food Products" section.
Based on user selection criteria, location, and availability, the application will return the prices charged by each store, as uploaded by each retailer onto the platform.
"We continue our efforts to support consumers and have created a dedicated section for products with capped commercial markups in Monitorul Prețurilor. This ensures better transparency in compliance with current regulations, allowing consumers to more easily check the prices of the products they want to purchase," said Bogdan Chirițoiu, president of the Competition Council.
The online platform www.monitorulpreturilor.info can be accessed nationwide from any computer, and the mobile version will be updated in the coming period.
It should be noted that on August 1, 2023, the Government's Emergency Ordinance, which establishes temporary measures to combat the excessive rise in prices for several basic food groups, came into force.
This was followed by two other Ordinances, which introduced additional foods to the list of those with capped markups.
The project www.monitorulpreturilor.info was launched in 2019 by the Competition Council and contains two components: the Food Products Price Monitor and the Fuel Price Monitor (which allows consumers to find the prices charged by major automotive fuel distribution networks). (Photo: C.C.)