Ministers of the Environment from the European Union have adopted a general approach regarding the Commission's proposal to revise the Waste Directive.
Copa and Cogeca welcome the compromise reached, which is based on the ambition to prevent food waste and achieve a more circular economy, proportionate to the challenges and mindful of national specifics.
As active members of the EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste since its inception, Copa and Cogeca support the EU's ambition to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of halving food waste at retail and consumer levels by 2030, and reducing food losses across the food supply chain.
Copa and Cogeca view positively that the proposed food waste reduction targets are ambitious yet realistic, as indicated by the Commission's impact assessment, and follow a phased approach through a review clause.
By proposing mandatory targets that include not only consumer and retail stages but also processing and production, the EU is already exceeding the UN SDG and thereby poised to honor its domestic and international commitments by 2030.
Beyond the level and scope of mandatory targets, the general approach aims to improve data collection while focusing on clarifying the text for legal certainty.
A common methodology and minimum quality requirements for uniform measurement of food waste levels are absolutely necessary for comparison and prevention.
We look forward to the upcoming trilogue set to begin in the fall and hope that the outcome will reflect today's compromise. (Photo: Freepik)