

List of state representatives invited as speakers at Meat.Milk. 2024



And this year, the International Expo-Conference Meat.Milk. will bring to the participants top representatives of state authorities relevant to the meat and milk sectors, who will deliver communications of utmost importance.

Thus, at the XIIIth edition which will take place at Hotel Alpin in Poiana Brașov on May 27th and 28th, 2024, under the title "Balance between Technology, Costs, and Prices - A Chance for Romania's Meat and Milk Sectors", the organizers have invited the following speakers to deliver presentations (in the order of the program):

  • Florin Barbu - Minister of Agriculture, who will open the event on the morning of May 27th, informing the audience about the latest measures taken by MADR to optimize the activity of farmers and processors in the targeted sectors. Also, he has been invited to present the Excellence Trophies for the year 2024 during the Meat.Milk Gala on the same evening.
  • Mr. Ioan Oleleu - Vice President of ANSVSA, will speak in the same general session on May 27th, presenting the participants with the latest information of interest about the institution's activity.
  • Mr. Paul Anghel - General Director of ANPC will be present as a speaker in the Retail Forum session, where he will address the issues observed in the trade with meat and dairy products. Likewise, in the same session, Mr. Laszlo Gyerko - Advisor to the Competition Council, has been invited to analyze the trade situation from a competition perspective.
  • Mrs. Stela Tănase - Director of the Payments Department in the Zootechnical Sector - APIA, will speak in the same general session about the situation of payments to zootechnical farmers.
  • Mr. Ștefan Radu Oprea - Minister of Economy, Mircea Fechet - Minister of Environment, George Chiriță - General Director of AFIR, will conclude the event by participating in the Round Table where they will present "Support Programs for Farmers and Processors in Romania" from the perspective of the institutions they lead.

We emphasize that, alongside them, Mr. Adrian Pintea and Mr. Sorin Moise - State Secretaries in MADR, have also been invited, who will participate in the debates Milk-Farmers/Processors and Meat-Farmers/Processors, respectively, in the afternoon of May 27th.

We will return with details about the conference organization. For additional information and registrations, please contact [email protected], phone:, or visit




