

Romania participates in the "EUChooseSafeFood" campaign launched by EFSA



UChooseSafeFood is back, and it now includes even more countries! Following the success of the past two years, EFSA and its partners from EU member states have launched the third edition of the #EUChooseSafeFood campaign, as reported by ANSVSA.

The objective of #EUChooseSafeFood is to help European citizens make informed decisions regarding their food choices.

In 2023, the campaign expands to cover 17 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and North Macedonia.

The #EUChooseSafeFood campaign aims to support citizens in critically thinking about their daily food choices. It provides consumers with practical and easily accessible information, ranging from assistance in reading food labels and understanding additives to tips on food preparation and storage.

The campaign covers various food-related topics and this year will focus on advice that consumers can follow to ensure good food hygiene at home, methods to reduce food waste, and measures taken throughout the EU to combat foodborne illnesses.

"EFSA collaborates with national food safety authorities and scientists across Europe to ensure that food is safe, healthy, and sustainable. The #EUChooseSafeFood campaign connects the science of food safety with the food on our plates, enabling consumers to make informed food choices and fostering a better understanding of food for everyone. I am delighted to see the continued success of this campaign, with more national partners joining this year than ever before," said Bernhard Url, Executive Director of EFSA.

The campaign primarily targets European citizens between the ages of 25 and 45, with a focus on young parents and individuals interested in food safety and science. It highlights the role of European scientists in their collective efforts to protect consumers from food-related risks.

In the first two years of the campaign, #EUChooseSafeFood had a positive impact on consumer awareness and understanding of food safety in the EU. The proportion of individuals exposed to campaign messages who recalled the scientific basis of their food safety decisions increased from 2 out of 10 in 2021 to 4 out of 10 in 2022. Additionally, confidence in the EU's food safety system among those who came into contact with the campaign has increased.

In 2022, 70% of citizens expressed trust in the EU and national governments regarding food safety, representing a 10% increase compared to 2021.

The #EUChooseSafeFood campaign marks the starting point for initiatives that will be implemented at the EU and national levels in 17 countries across Europe. In the coming weeks and months, governments and food safety authorities throughout the EU will launch specific activities and events for their national audiences under the #EUChooseSafeFood banner.

For details about the campaign, you can visit the #EUChooseSafeFood website, which provides a wealth of information translated into all official EU languages on various food safety topics.

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