

Payments of over 26 million lei were made to farmers



The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, through the Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture, has disbursed a total amount of 26,298,988.39 lei (5,287,823.14 euros) from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF).

As a new development, we announce to beneficiaries of coupled support in the plant sector that the authorization and actual payment processes have been initiated following the publication in the Official Gazette no. 523/05.06.2024 of the Order reallocating available funds and establishing the unit amount of payment for beneficiaries under interventions related to coupled support in the plant/zootechnical sectors and eco-schemes.

The interventions related to the plant and zootechnical sectors paid in this tranche are as follows:

  1. Decoupled direct payments:PD-01: Basic income support for sustainability - BISS;PD-02: Complementary redistributive income support for sustainability - CRISS;PD-03: Complementary income support for young farmers - CIS-YF;PD-04: Environmentally beneficial practices applicable to arable land;PD-05: Environmentally friendly agriculture in small farms and traditional households;PD-06: Inter-row cultivation in orchards, vineyards, nurseries, and berry plantations.
  2. PD-01: Basic income support for sustainability - BISS;
  3. PD-02: Complementary redistributive income support for sustainability - CRISS;
  4. PD-03: Complementary income support for young farmers - CIS-YF;
  5. PD-04: Environmentally beneficial practices applicable to arable land;
  6. PD-05: Environmentally friendly agriculture in small farms and traditional households;
  7. PD-06: Inter-row cultivation in orchards, vineyards, nurseries, and berry plantations.
  8. CIS, coupled income support: a) Interventions in the plant sector:PD-10: Coupled income support - lucerne;b) Interventions in the zootechnical sector:PD-21: Coupled income support - dairy cows;PD-22: Coupled income support - beef cattle;PD-23: Coupled income support - dairy buffaloes;PD-24: Coupled income support - sheep-goats.
  9. PD-10: Coupled income support - lucerne;
  10. PD-21: Coupled income support - dairy cows;
  11. PD-22: Coupled income support - beef cattle;
  12. PD-23: Coupled income support - dairy buffaloes;
  13. PD-24: Coupled income support - sheep-goats.

We remind you that for the 2023 Campaign, payments for interventions funded by EAGF are made in lei, at an exchange rate of 4.9735 lei/euro.




