

The activity of neutralizing animal by-products is being reorganized



In the Government meeting, the Emergency Ordinance amending Government Ordinance no. 24/2016 on the organization and conduct of the activity of neutralizing animal by-products not intended for human consumption, as well as for the approval of measures for its implementation, was adopted.

This legislative act aims to align national legislation with European legislation, specifically the European Union Guidelines on state aid in the agricultural and forestry sectors and in rural areas, published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

At the same time, this ordinance creates the legal basis at the national level for the approval of methodological norms for the implementation of Government Ordinance no. 24/2026, which shall include the categories of services for the conduct of the activity of neutralizing dead animals for which financial support is granted based on the provisions of the European Union Guidelines on state aid in the agricultural and forestry sectors and in rural areas.

The estimated benefits of implementing the measures contained in this legislative act include establishing the legal framework to regulate sanitary-veterinary and environmental conditions regarding:

The operation of animal breeding units, production units, storage, processing or marketing units of meat or other products of animal origin, the neutralization and transport of animal by-products not intended for human consumption in case of epizootics, as well as the financial resources necessary for county councils and the General Council of Bucharest for carrying out the activity of neutralizing dead animals from individual animal breeders, eligible expenses, the amount of financial support, and the method of granting it. (Photo: Freepik)




