The National Branch Union of Cooperatives in the Bovine Sector - BOVICOOP has created the concept of an annual symposium titled "BOVICOOP - Development and Cooperation." This event, this year, was organized in collaboration with our members Semtest-BVN, the National Organization for Artificial Insemination.
The event took place in Sîngeorgiu de Mureș over two days, with the Scientific Symposium BOVICOOP taking place on October 6th, coupled with BVN, and on October 7th, the 21st edition of the Bull Parade was organized, which is held annually by specialists in genetics and zootechnical reproduction in Mureș.
The Scientific Symposium gathered more than 100 participants, including representatives and members of agricultural cooperatives from the country, the most important organizations and associations in the bovine zootechnical field, farmers and artificial insemination operators, domain specialists, as well as representatives of state institutions and authorities.
The sponsoring partners were not few in number, with 13 input companies eager to establish new collaborative relationships with the attending farmers. UNCST-BOVICOOP presented a retrospective of its journey, from its establishment to the present day, while also highlighting the most important news in the zootechnical sector.
An exclusive announcement made by the cooperative farmers was the establishment of the Cooperative of Gard III, with an economic role, which will bring Romanian dairy products to the market under the brand "NATURLACT."
Regarding the activities of UNCST-BOVICOOP, they introduced a national project for seminars within cooperatives. The BOVICOOP Caravan will visit each county under the cooperative umbrella, holding seminars for farmers on various zootechnical topics to improve the quality and quantity of raw materials delivered (milk/meat).
These educational activities are delivered by zootechnical specialists, veterinarians, and technicians with extensive experience in the zootechnical field and the ability to convey basic concepts to everyone.
Counties already visited include Sălaj and Satu Mare, with Suceava/Botoșani scheduled for November 4, followed by the rest of the country. In addition to symposiums and seminars, UNCST-BOVICOOP presented the results of their international experience exchanges in Germany, Austria, Poland, and Hungary.
Representatives of Semtest BVN addressed the importance of genetics in cattle farms and the uniqueness of the organization in Romania. In the presence of Secretary of State Adrian Pintea, they discussed the main institutional zootechnical news, including changes in the National Rural Development Program (PNS) with the introduction of coupled support for silage maize, the new national transitional aid for heifers, national reports on the cattle population in Romania, the state of the Romanian milk market, and the launch of the Milk Observatory, a part of the Milk Law 307/2022. This mechanism would track the quantities of milk circulated on the Romanian market, both from national and European sources.
For UNCST-BOVICOOP, the event was crowned with a General Assembly, during which two new cooperatives joined: Harcov Milk Meet from Harghita and UNIUNEA DE RAMURĂ NAȚIONALĂ A COOPERATIVELOR DIN SECTORUL TAURIN - BOVICOOP 2 Gospodăria Moților from Hunedoara. This brought UNCST-BOVICOOP to a total of 21 member cooperatives with 700 active farmers from 11 counties across the country, with 22,000 cattle heads. The organization includes 2 beef cattle breeding cooperatives and 4 processing cooperatives, encompassing the entire cooperative system.
If the first day was theoretical, the second was practical, featuring the Bull Parade, a tradition of Semtest BVN that gathered more than 1000 participating farmers. All those taking part in the parade had the opportunity to interact with partner companies, which set up tents right in front of the cattle exhibit ring.
The double event was a real success for all participants, especially for us, the organizers, who always strive to do it for the farmers, about farmers, with farmers! Association is the best solution for small and medium-sized cattle farmers in Romania.