

AFIR's security system has been recertified



AFIR announces that it has recently completed the recertification process for its Information Security Management System, according to the international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2013.

AFIR has held this certification since June 2014, and the Agency has regularly renewed it in accordance with the applicable procedures in this field. The certificate obtained this year is valid until October 31, 2025.

The international certification for the ISO 27001:2013 security standard validates the implementation of information security controls embedded in the Agency's processes. These controls aim to reduce the probability and impact of risks related to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of processed information within our institution.

"Being at the forefront of state institutions in terms of administrative digitization further underscores our responsibility. Hence, we are committed to maintaining all information and data security standards in our relationship with all our collaborators," said George CHIRIȚĂ, Director-General of AFIR.

Additionally, we are at the beginning of a new financial programming period, and we aim to offer applicants and beneficiaries of European funds granted through the PS PAC 2027 the same high standard of security and certify the safety of the data they entrust to us.

The procedure for renewing the information security standard focused on how AFIR included information security controls in its operational processes and their effectiveness, taking into account the purpose of the certification: project financing management, coordination, and control of payments to beneficiaries of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).

The international certification for the ISO 27001 information security standard obtained by AFIR applies to all central and territorial structures of the institution, all activities carried out, all employees, as well as all collaborators of the Agency.




