

Support in the amount of 83.11 million lei to support the activity of breeders in the cattle sector



The Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture (APIA) is making payments for state aid to support cattle breeders in 2022, in the context of the crisis caused by Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

The total amount authorized for payment is 83,111,259.58 lei and is provided from the state budget, through the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development's budget, for applicants who accessed this form of state aid in accordance with the provisions of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 3/2023 regarding the establishment of a state aid scheme to support cattle breeders in 2022, in the context of the crisis caused by Russia's aggression against Ukraine, as follows:

  • Session II for a total of 3,867 beneficiaries with a value of 20,738,747.76 lei (the amount of state aid is 73 euros per adult cow).
  • Additional tranche for Session I + II for a total of 16,246 beneficiaries with a value of 62,372,511.82 lei (additional amount of 37 euros per adult cow).

The total amount of aid that can be granted to each beneficiary does not exceed the equivalent in lei of 250,000 euros, at the exchange rate established by the National Bank of Romania, valid on the date of entry into force of Emergency Ordinance no. 3/2023.

Amounts received through other support schemes funded from the state budget under Section 2.1 - Limited amounts of aid, point 56, letter a) of the European Commission's Communication, are deducted from the maximum threshold of 250,000 euros per beneficiary.




