

The most powerful Romanian brands in 2023



The most anticipated ranking of Romanian brands, compiled for 14 years by the Biz magazine and Unlock Market Research, has reached its 2023 edition. Recently, during the BrandRO event, the Top 50 most powerful Romanian brands of 2023 were publicly presented. For the first time since this ranking has been established, it is complemented by a new one dedicated to brands younger than ten years.

People have stated that in 2023 they bought as many Romanian brands/products as last year (46%) and even more in the past year (28%). We are thus witnessing a higher demand for Romanian brands than in the past, with 39% estimating that they will buy more Romanian brands next year.

Brand RO 2023

Arctic and Borsec are the most powerful Romanian brands in the ranking compiled by Biz and Unlock Research and presented at the BrandRO 2023 event.

In the second place in this edition's ranking is eMAG, while the third position is occupied by Napolact. Among the top rankings are also Aqua Carpatica, Bucovina, Pate Bucegi, FAN Courier, Dorna, Dacia, and Gerovital.

For the first time since presenting the ranking of the most powerful Romanian brands, Biz introduced a premiere research this year, with the help of Unlock Market Research: The New Wave of BrandRO.

The Top Young Romanian Brands is led by Tazz, followed by Lăptăria cu Caimac and 5toGo.

New Romanian brands are considered agile, flexible, brave, with new and innovative ideas, in harmony with the world, and effervescent. Moreover, consumers believe that new Romanian brands are "effervescent" and take risks compared to older ones seen as less agile, reserved, constant, disciplined, and adapted.

Top 10 Most Powerful Romanian Brands in 2023

  1. Borsec
  2. Arctic
  3. eMAG
  4. Napolact
  5. Aqua Carpatica
  6. Bucovina
  7. Pate Bucegi
  8. FAN Courier
  9. Dorna
  10. Dacia
  11. Gerovital

Top 10 Most Powerful Young Romanian Brands in 2023

  1. Tazz
  2. Lăptăria cu caimac
  3. 5 to go
  4. Fresful
  5. LaDoiPaşi
  6. Untold
  7. Spartan
  8. Neversea
  9. Artesana
  10. Mototol




